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New Horserizons
New Horserizons
New Horserizons
EAL New Horserizons
New Horserizons
New Horserizons EAL
chevaux maison (1)-800
New Horserizons

Equine Assisted Learning



Equine Assisted Learning is not for you if you are allergic to horses or suffer from anaphylaxis


What to wear


- closed toe shoes - leather or rubber boots preferred, running shoes acceptable.


- helmet for children under 18. Bring your own bike helmet or wear one of ours.


- clothing suitable and comfortable to work around horses as well as easy to wash if soiled: it gets muddy and dusty on the farm. Remember that clothes too loose or baggy can get caught and torn. Keep in mind that you will be working around other people and horses, so dress respectfully.


- a spare pair of shoes to drive away.


Farm rules


We are hosted by Kuruka Equestrian and must abide by their rules.

- Keep the entrance gate closed for the safety of the horses.

- Any person handling or riding a horse must complete and sign a liabilty release.

- Children cannot be on farm premises without adult supervision.

- No smoking, no lighters, no matches around the barn or the horses.

- No running, no screaming, no jumping, particularly around the horses.

- Clean up after yourself / your horse.

- Visiting dogs must be on a leash.

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